Employee Portal

Employee Portal

The Employee Portal is a 100% online solution that allows for more open and closer work management between BCFM and our clients, and between the client and the employee.

What services does the Employee Portal offer?

Employees can access the Employee Portal via computer, mobile phone or tablet, using their personal and non-transferable access data.

There are 3 types of roles in the Employee Portal

  • Administrator Role: Assigned to BCFM.
  • Company Role: Person/s in the Company responsible for managing the Company Portal.
  • Employee Role: Assigned to each employee of the company.

Within the Employee Portal, the following functionalities stand out:

  • Company and Employee Settings
  • Document Manager.
  • Holidays and absences.
  • Time Record.
  • Communications.

With this tool, the Company and its employees will have access to their identification data, employment history, employment status and a record of communications and work days, and will be able to narrow down the dates to be consulted.

Company and Employee Settings

At BCFM we will be responsible for entering all the information relating to the Company: name, registered office, NIF, work centres, contribution account codes, company logo, etc.

Once the Company is registered in the system, BCFM will assign the employees it has to each center, with their identifying data: name, surname, date of birth, photograph, level of education, enter their CV, contact details, contractual information, etc.).

Once the minimum necessary information has been entered, the Company's employees and administrators will be registered and will receive an email with the information to access the Employee Portal platform, creating their own password.

BCFM will be responsible for managing the registration and deregistration of employees on the Portal.

Gestor Documental

From the Company role, you can:

  • Generate as many folders as the Company wants (naming them according to its needs), in which the different documents uploaded to the Portal will be stored (payrolls, contracts, internal communications, job advertisements, sick leave forms, etc.).

  • Automatically upload a PDF file containing multiple documents (for example, payrolls for all employees), upload multiple PDF files at once or a single PDF file for all employees; The program will upload the corresponding document to the Employee Portal for each employee. BCFM will upload payrolls and contracts/annexes (employment management) to the Employee Portal.

  • Send by email dFrom the application documents uploaded to the Portal.

    • Require acceptance of posted documents and notify employees (by email) each time a document is uploaded to the Portal.

      • Create templates for sending predefined emails.

        • Generate forms.

          From the role used, you can:

          • Access all documents uploaded by the Company that are online to view and download them: payrolls, withholding certificates (IRPF), contracts, annexes, requests for permits, communications about promotions, etc. 

            • Upload documentation of interest to the Company.


BCFM will enter into the program the vacation days that correspond to each employee annually and their expiration.

From this module, the following functionalities will be available:

  • Request for vacation days by the employee.

  • Request for paid and unpaid leave, attaching documents if necessary (for example, supporting documents).

  • Management of requests made by employees (acceptance, rejection, pending study).

  • Printing quadrants.

  • Enter the work calendar of each center to determine the holidays by community and population.

Both the employee and the Company will be able to consult the vacation days taken and those pending.

Time Record

The Workers' Statute requires companies to ensure daily registration of working hours, which must include the specific start and end times of each worker.

Employees will be able to access this Employee Portal tool in three ways: via the web, via mobile/tablet or by scanning a QR code located in the office. This will allow both employees who work in person and those who work remotely to check in.

From this module, the following functionalities will be available:

  • Monitor the time record on a daily basis to ensure that workers complete their daily work schedule and do not exceed the limits for overtime hours.

  • Modify an employee's record.

  • Obtain the time sheet for all employees.

  • Check-in with geolocation.


The Employee Portal allows for two-way consultations: both the Company and the employees will be able to communicate within the Portal and these consultations/communications will be recorded and archived.

From this module, the following functionalities will be available:

  • Send communications with or without documents.

  • Respond to communications.

Do you want to have your own Employee Portal?

Contact us and we will give you a demonstration

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Practicing law and advising companies and individuals since 1978.


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